Website design || My story

viswanath – 2020-07-16 – My story

Website design ; How are you bloggers? I hope you will doing good, after a long time I am going to write this article today, because I have often heard the people who are associated with me, they are always saying how to rank our website , How to earn money from our website.

Because every person has the desire to make money easily, and to manage their expenses, but this is not possible, because many people get demotivated many times by their work, and due to demotivate They leave their job.

Website design || My story

Website design || My story

Many times people create a website because they have heard from somewhere that they can earn money online by creating a website, and it seems very easy to listen. Meaning go to any online platform, and make a website, and write some article there, after that the article will make us money.

But man, it is not easy as you think, here you will have to work very hard.

My story

If you talk to me, I worked hard for 2 years to get success in the blogging world, that too with a single domain, and that domain was linked to blogger, but friends, after writing about 300 posts, I did not get adsense, and Nor did I make any money from that domain/website.

Then I got a video that the website can be ranked quickly on wordpress, and the earning could also be done well, I liked it but I had another challenge in front of me how to build a website on wordpress, because in that time there were no video tutorials available.

If you wanted to learn, you had to spend a lot of money, I still remember, when I went to a developer, and he asked 5000 rupees from me, just to learn blogging, And I was more demotivated by hearing this price, I felt that now i should leave blogging, it is not for me.

That’s it I left Blogging and started working in a wipro company, but somewhere there was a voice coming from my inside, and sometimes I felt that, man I worked so hard but left them like this, is it right?

You are reading >> Website design || My story

But even then there was no one to support me, so I left blogging for 3 months, and one day I got a video on youtube, Where the whole part of blogging was going on, and I saw it, and thought that now let’s Let’s start again, because now he is also a teacher.

Thinking that I bought a hosting, then I didn’t even know what hosting is, and how to use it. I had another challenge that is how to learn it.

Then I started in a new way, with a good preparation, I had decided that now I will know all about blogging. No matter how difficult it is, but do not back down now.

And, this thinking made me stand on this stage today, some people say that behind any success, it is very important to have the support of one person, even if that person is a beggar, but if we get hope from him , So he is our GOD.

Website design

And my strength was a video that I saw on youtube, although it was found out later that the video was also a lie, but for me it is my support .

And I want to be a support for all the people who have joined me. I want all my brothers to move towards a different world. But some things do not work here. Like money, there are some people who make their trust their strength, and come up, and there are some people who do not trust themselves, and they are left behind.

Blogging is not a chocolate that is bought and started to eat. Everything here is worth interest, whether it is free or paid but everything is valuable, people do not understand what they really want.

Many times I have seen that people build websites just because they want to make money, and due to this they fail down, you must first understand why you need a website.

Keyword research:

In the world of blogging, the keyword is the most important thing, which is to understand very few people, it is easy to write an article for those who understand it, and who does not know what the keyword is, for them it is like breaking a mountain. It’s a very difficult task.


You have to understand which topic you want to write, you have to know what is the need of the people, if you understand this then you will not need any kind of shortcut.

Keyword research does not mean that you can work on any word. You have to choose the keywords that you know about, about which you can write well. you will write 1000000 s of posts.


If I want me to build a website, how to build a house.

So I need to know what I should do for a house, should be aware of those things, and there are many things inside a house, such as bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc.

And in these areas, we have to keep many things, such as gas, electricity, fridge, washing machine, lights, fan etc.

And we can write an article on these things, and this is the right way of blogging, where you understand the needs of people, and fulfill them.


But this does not mean that, if you have written about these things, then your website will rank, because a lot of people have already written articles here, and why would anyone read your article? So we have to manage our website.

How to manage website:

People spend a lot of money to build a website, but those who are new, they do not believe somewhere, whether I can earn money from it.

They are afraid that if we do not get the money, then our money will be wasted, hahaha body if you think this way, you will never be able to achieve success in blogging.

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Website design

It is not necessary that you have to spend millions, just you should come to invest in the right way, in the beginning days people buy the cheap products, like Hosting, Domain, SSL, Theme, Course, etc, and then that cheaper thing only works cheaper.

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Like I always tell the Bloggers, brothers start a batter way, people was listen to me, and after that they choose the hosting that goes down 10 times a day, and thus does not rank their website, after that people come and ask me that “our website is not ranking”.

So bro before you talk to me You should talk to the hosting company, they will be able to understand you very well, after facing so many problems, people come to me and ask me that i want to buy a good hosting,  brother, you should have done it earlier. If you had already done this, your money would not have been wasted.


It is not necessary for a website that you spend millions, a website can be managed in a few dollars. So you should first get a domain, a good hosting, and a good keyword research tool.

How to customize website:

Learning never ends, every day a new update comes here, so you have to know about the section of the website first, although there is a lot of tutorials on YouTube, but somewhere they are incomplete, you have to learn yourself, You will not understand until you learn from yourself.

That is why I have made my customization course which is worth 3000 rupees, and in this course, I am going to give you a keyword research tool, and a simple website that you can use for 6 days.

Website design || My story

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I want people to learn from me, money is not my goal, if you want, you can contact me on 9653230179.

Website customization is a very big topic, which can never be finished, but most people need is blog or news type websites, and their customization is a bit easier.

You have to concentrate a little bit, and learn things.

A lot of people say that I earn so much money, but why do I still take course money, why I can’t teach for free. The simple answer to this is that if I teach everyone for free, people will not pay attention to me, because it is the habit of people, they do not appreciate the things that are available for free, if they give money, then their mind is on the course.


We’ve got a good hosting, a good theme, a keyword tool, and got started well, but that’s not enough for a Website, you need to do work hard. means now you need to write an article on your website.

How to write article:

Many times, even after understanding people, that is how to write an article, people still make a mistake somewhere, and a small mistake becomes a big problem, so first you have to pay attention to my points.

Many times bloggers take courses just because they get Adsense approval, their real motive is only adsense, so they get fail, if you do not write the article properly then why would adsense approve you.

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To write an article, first you have to find the keyword, a word that was not worked on before, and even if someone already works on it, but if it is not good, and if you work on that keyword, then you will surely get success.

Even today, I search more than 1000 keywords before writing an article, yet I cannot claim that I will get the words that I want, keyword research is a huge task, which not everyone can do.

But the keyword is not enough for a website/article, for a good article, there are many other things that make an article really an article, such as image, if the image is good, then people stop to see it, then you need to add your image correctly.

Website design

Read This also:

How To index Website, gweb, google search setting

But there are many people who write the article well, but when it comes to the part of image, they download it somewhere and use it on their website. But if you create your own image then it is better.

Creating an image is not so difficult, you just need to have a little mind, the image is made from anywhere, yet if you do not know, then install Pixllab in your phone, this software makes you a very good image.

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