Keyword Research Tips For Website

Keyword Research Tips: Hello Welcome, to Your own website Thedailywebsite, keyword research is a very big & difficult task, if you do not know about keyword research, and working on your website without keyword research, then you are never going to get success, and Your website is never going to rank on Google, so keywords are very important for a website, today in this post I will tell you how to research keywords, and i will give you some keywords, whose competition is low, but the search volume is high.

Keyword Research Tips For Website

Keyword Research Tips For Website


What is keyword research?

There are some word of articles, which is called keyword, due to which you
write an entire article, and when people search that word, then all the articles
or videos related to that keyword are shown on search result, if the keyword
in article is used correctly. then that article appears at the top 10 results, and people click that article more from the top, so keyword research is very important, for your website or article.

How to do keyword research

There are many tools available for keyword research, some tools you will get
free, and some tools you will also get paid, but due to the free tools, you can
write articles, but you cannot do keyword research correctly, so You should
take a paid tool, the best tool is the RF tool.

Inside the tool, you have to write the word on which you want to write the
article, after that the tool will tell you how much search is done on that keyword, and how many articles already exist on that keyword.

If you have seen more articles on the keyword you write, then you should not
write an article on that keyword, because in order to rank that article, it will
take a lot of time, so you have to find a keyword that people search a lot, and
the competition is low.

Keyword Research tips 3


It is very difficult to find such keyword, but if you put a little mind, then you
will definitely get some low competition keyword, for this you should have
more knowledge on the topic of your website, without information you cannot
do anything, so I always I tell you this, make the website on something, which
you have proper knowledge.

Now-a-days everything is searched on Google, so it doesn’t matter, what is your topic, there is competition everywhere, you have to concentrate on your work, if you love your work then You will definitely get the fruits of your hard work.

I give an example to do keyword research

Suppose my keyword is electricity bill, so I create a website on this topic itself,
and now I have many keywords in front of me, like India electricity bill, USA electricity bill, China electricity bill, and many more, and if i want, I can also write an article on the electricity bill of different states of every country.

Keyword Research tips 4


Like suppose I chose India, and then I can write on different states of India electricity bill. such as Goa electricity bill, Gohati electricity bills, electricity billed, Mumbai Bijli bill, West Bengal electricity bill. etc.

In this way, I have a lot of keywords, and I can write articles on them, if I do
not have knowledge on this topic, then I cannot work on it, otherwise if I use a keyword with electricity bill in each of my articles, The keyword that will rank on
my website is electricity bill, and due to this article my every article is also slowly rank on search engine.

But you have to write your article well, you have to give good information in your article, otherwise people will not visit your website again, I have already written the article on how to write a good article, you should read it, the link is Given below.

How to write a stylish article on website

keyword research
For keyword research, you have to go to your keyword research tool,which is Ahrefs tool. If you use a paid tool then it is a good thing, otherwise you can use the Google Keyword Planner tool.

After going to your tool, you have to write those keywords, which I have given below, and after that the result will come in the keyword research tool dashboard, you have to choose your keyword and write a good article on it, you will surely get success.

Best keyword List
  • Choti bahu
  • CCTV camera installation
  • Electrical pole light
  • Drone camera
  • Internet web
  • Torrent Web
  • Indian TV show
  • Electrical symbol
  • Price Tag
  • Comparison


Keyword research is not enough to rank an article, you will also have to write your article correctly, without any article paragraph, if you only use the keyword in the entirety of your article, Google will consider your article as a spam article, and Will remove it from the ranking, so you have to write everything correctly in your article, such as headings, sub headings, PDF files, videos, do not forget to cover it.

Friends i Hope you have learned something from this article, and if you want to help your friend too, then share this article, because sharing is caring.

Best keyword Idea

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